Rising Star Tennis Academy & North Woden Tennis Club Enquiry
Address : De Largie Place, Hughes, ACT 2605, Australia
Rising Star Tennis Academy
Phone : 0438258624
Email : info@risingstartennis.com
Enquiry and FREE Trial Form
You can leave a message using the contact form below.
About North Woden Tennis Club
The North Woden Tennis Club has 8 tennis courts, 4 synthetic grass tennis courts and 4 plexi cushion hard courts, six courts of which have LED lights, suitable for night play.
The club is located within walking distance from a number of primary schools and high schools in the local area. The newly renovated clubhouse and courts are equipped with wifi, a coffee bar, BBQ, Pro Shop and huge viewing deck to relax and enjoy the tennis from the comfort of our open plan clubhouse. Aside from the on court action you can enjoy a social game of table tennis or fusbal on the deck.
There is an active membership base offering a number social and formal competitions throughout the week. Contact the Club’s Head Coach for further information regarding membership, court hire and social activities.
North Woden Tennis Club has started a Crowd Funding campaign to raise much needed funds for the upgrade of a storage facility and landscaping
If you would like to Donate to the North Woden Tennis Club please click on the link below