RSTA’s FAST4 Junior and Adult Competitions – Bungendore Park TC

Fast4 Tennis – Bungendore Park TC

Rising Star Tennis Academy encourages all its participants to be involved in match play and Fast4 Tennis is the ideal compliment to better facilitate improvements throughout your game and further enhances the importance of your current tennis program development. Here is some more information below for you to read.

Fast4 Tennis is a modern, cutting-edge tennis competition that caters to the time poor tennis enthusiast. The unique formula enables Fast4 Tennis to fit into people’s lifestyles while still enjoying the exciting nature of match play tennis competition. Match times may range from approximately 1.5hrs to 2hrs with a number of exciting formats available. Please note they are not 30 minute time based set times, the sets are based on the first to 4 scoreline.

All competition formats are based on a unisex, two player teams (except singles) which enable players and clubs to easily create teams. Fast4 Tennis caters for Senior and Junior Players

Competitions will be offered at the following venues :

  • Bungendore Park Tennis Club, Cnr Butmaroo & Terallo Terrace.

2019 Competitions

All competitions will generally be 8 rounds, 7 general rounds and 1 playoff round 

Competitions will start From Monday 18th October 2019.

Entries close Tuesday 15th October 2019


Singles and Doubles – 2 singles (reverse) & 2 doubles per player (sets are first to 4 games, tie break 3-3)

Doubles – 4 doubles per player (sets are first to 4 games, tie break 3-3)

Singles – 4 x Singles Per Player sets are first to 4 games, tie break 3-3)

Fast4 Tennis , 2019 Competitions (please click on the competition you wish to enter, in team name field put your partners name in that field. If you do not have a partner, one can be organised at your request. Entry cost is per player not per team as both players in your team will have to register). Please note all Singles competitions are teams of 1 individual player.

RSTA’s – FAST4 Friday 7:30pm-9:30pm Adult Competition

RSTA’s – FAST4 Saturday 2:00pm-4:00pm Junior Competition


For more information please email or 
Call Head Coach David Pajackowski on 0424 295 634